Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Origami - Folding My Self in Paper

Rarely in the hustle and bustle of this 21st century do we stop to consider our world.  It seems our considerations always extend outward to new and better ways to use technology (phones, laptops, blogging..) that we forget the beauty and simplicity all around us. 

And that is why we need to meditate.

I know, it's an eastern thing, or, who has the time to sit and do nothing?  I hear you, I can't imagine chanting "Ohm" for hours sitting indian style either, but life is full of opportunities to meditate.  I discovered this when I discovered a love for origami.

When I spend minutes (or hours) folding something 3D from a square piece of paper, I find I fold myself into the paper.  During the folding, especially if it's a fold I know by heart, I draw away just enough in the mechanics of the folding to get to the heart of relaxation.  Here, I can let my mind wander.  I can either escape into my self and relax or, to quell the rushing of my mind, I can focus on perfecting the folds and executing them with utmost precision. 

Like any activity you enjoy, I can get lost for hours (or as long as I allow myself to indulge). The most incredible feeling is when you look at the final product, perhaps a Bucky Ball that required sixty individual triangular sheets to each be folded 20 times, and think, "Wow, I created this with my hands, my mind, and an effort of time and it's beautiful." And when someone else sees it, they probably think it's amazing, and will often ask how long it took to make.  It probably took 8 or more hours I would say, and here it is:---->

I folded this sphere over Christmas '09 vacation, with my family and in the house I grew  up in.  I've folded my family, my past, my happiness and ultimately my self into this piece.  To me, this is Christmas!

I don't fold enough, that's my problem.  And when I do, at least recently, I've been unable to let go of my anxious feelings and desire to move or see or explore technology....  This makes me sad.  I need to revive my meditation and make it a required part of my day.  I need to fold more memories and more of myself, then, perhaps, I can find more peace in my mind.


  1. I'm psyched you have a blog, Joran! I look forward to more pictures of you works of art. You are by far the most talented paper folder I have ever met.

  2. Thanks so much for the great compliment Alisha. I hope to post more creations soon.
